The Vision

The vision for SoccerSphere is to give kids, teenagers, adults, families, and players of the game of soccer a chance for success by using their talents as means to a better future.The vision is three-fold.

1.) S-2 will work with each country's soccer/football federation to establish joint partnerships, events, and initiatives within the country to provide an opportunity for its national players to be scouted and spoken to by our organization. With this process, our staff is eager to provide scouting reports, a complete player database and full networking capabilities upon arrival back to the U.S. Our goal is to expose unseen talent from players who are unable to have this opportunity normally. And with this, give these players an opportunity to receive college soccer scholarships, and possibly, professional soccer contracts. An amazing gift for any player in a third-world country.

2.) S-2 will work stateside to partner with any and every organization to establish "drives" at sporting events, youth soccer tournaments, college and professional games, festivals, and much more. With these "drives" (whether its cleats, uniforms, t-shirts, balls) our team will ship a crate with these goods to the country we are arriving at and disperse throughout different communities.

3.) In the same communities we disperse the donated goods, our staff will give day-long soccer clinics to the kids- playing with them, laughing with them, loving on them and inevitably, helping them. 

Our vision is to put all our financial resources right back into the work. All proceeds and contributions will go straight to benefitting those individuals in need- in need of being given a chance of an education, a dream, a pair of nice cleats, a quality soccer ball or just a hug.